How would you describe what Stoops Freightliner does?
Answer: Stoops Freightliner is a large truck dealership. We sell new and used trucks and truck parts. We also offer full service and repair on all makes of trucks.
How would you describe what Stoops Freightliner does?
Answer: Stoops Freightliner is a large truck dealership. We sell new and used trucks and truck parts. We also offer full service and repair on all makes of trucks.
As any business leader knows, it is one thing to have a vision and quite another to quantify one’s progress and then identify meaningful steps to take toward making the vision a reality. Miller’s Textile Services would like to take this opportunity to share with you a few recent findings that have led to significant milestones on our journey toward better serving you
How much does the color of your uniforms affect the way people perceive your business? It’s an interesting question the answer to which would at first blush seem to be purely subjective; it’s all in the eye of the beholder, no?
How do you describe what Masteller Electric Motors does? Answer: We sell and rebuild electric motors, gear boxes and pumps for a variety of equipment needs, particularly in the industrial and agricultural space.
We’ve all seen it. Many of us have even experienced the phenomenon first hand. After agreeing to one cost or price, we have been surprised by a higher cost at a later point in time, or even spiraling charges that are difficult to track or account for.
Every day, we awake to a new flood of information. So much so, that it often seems our first task each day is to separate the meaningful from the inconsequential.
Is it a product in an industrial-sized container, perhaps? Or an oversized commercial washing machine? You may even have in mind an expansive plant facility, overburdened with dirty laundry being shuffled from place to place by people, not all that different from an automotive plant of 50 years ago.
How long have you been a customer of Miller’s Textile Services? Answer: We have been customers of Miller’s Textile Services for almost 9 years.
For most people, Mother’s Day is a chance to give thanks by taking Mom out for a memorable dinner with her family at a nice restaurant. But for restaurateurs, that time-honored tradition is just the tip of the iceberg.
Tina Milano-Cates — General Manager & Event Coordinator. Villa Milano has been a loyal customer with Miller’s for around 25 years.