Category: Uncategorized

Customer Spotlight: Stoops Freightliner

Firefighter uniforms on hangers

How would you describe what Stoops Freightliner does?
Answer: Stoops Freightliner is a large truck dealership. We sell new and used trucks and truck parts. We also offer full service and repair on all makes of trucks.

Achieving A Vision: From Measurement To Movement

Vision, Core Values, and Mission signs in Miller's warehouse

As any business leader knows, it is one thing to have a vision and quite another to quantify one’s progress and then identify meaningful steps to take toward making the vision a reality. Miller’s Textile Services would like to take this opportunity to share with you a few recent findings that have led to significant milestones on our journey toward better serving you

How Cheap Gets Expensive

Smiling employee with clean stack of linens

We’ve all seen it. Many of us have even experienced the phenomenon first hand. After agreeing to one cost or price, we have been surprised by a higher cost at a later point in time, or even spiraling charges that are difficult to track or account for.

What a Plant Tour Can Tell You About Keeping a Spotless Image

Miller's industrial washing machines

Is it a product in an industrial-sized container, perhaps? Or an oversized commercial washing machine? You may even have in mind an expansive plant facility, overburdened with dirty laundry being shuffled from place to place by people, not all that different from an automotive plant of 50 years ago.